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AS We Walk Challenge

A campaign by Jennifer Visscher

  • $50
    Raised of $750
  • 1
  • 0
    seconds left
6 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Jennifer Visscher
0 campaigns, 1 contributions
  • Contribute $125 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors

    Corporate contributors of $125 will have their company logo placed on the awareness t-shirt. If an individual donates at this level they may choose a team to receive the 10 t-shirts and 500 handouts.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $250 or more

    Limited to 6 Contributors

    Corporate contributors of $250 will have their company logo placed on the awareness t-shirt. If an individual donates at this level they may choose a team to receive the 20 t-shirts and 1000 handouts.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Please Vote For US!

    We're kicking off the month with a Mission Awareness campaign for April (Spondylitis Awareness Month) that will lead into an amazing World AS Day on May 2nd! We're going to rock our walk and make an impact! Check out our 'AS We Walk' Challenge! How many people can we screen for Spondylitis... AS We Walk our walk in April & May? We need your vote to spread the word and get sponsorship! Thank you!!!

    9 user(s) pledged already.
AS We Walk Challenge
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