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Keep Eliezer Tristan Publishing Alive

A campaign by Eliezer Tristan Publishing

  • $5
    Raised of $10,000
  • 1
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Eliezer Tristan Publishing
0 campaigns, 0 contributions
Keep Eliezer Tristan Publishing Alive
Eliezer Tristan Publishing is an independent publishing house that launched in August 2018. We publish books that showcase resilience and survival. Everyone who works for our company has a disability. We're passionate about fighting against ableism and making sure that people in the disability community have a chance to have their voices heard. We need to raise 10,000 dollars so our attorney, Caitlin Hayes, can write a prospectus for donors and investors. In order to sustain our grassroots organization. We cannot currently maintain the salaries of our employees and produce the books that the world needs to read. We need your support to keep our organization going. Please consider donating $25 or up to help us keep publishing important words.

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