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New house, new hopes...

A campaign by Ruslan Mozghov (Pugachev)

  • $0
    Raised of $12,300
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A campaign by Ruslan Mozghov (Pugachev)
0 campaigns, 0 contributions
New house, new hopes...

New house, new hopes...
I am sorry for bad English. In writing of text I was helped by Google transiate.

Hello! My name is Ruslan and I from Ukraine.

From 2014 battle actions are conducted in our country. For this time war pranged east of country and struck on an economy. A middle pay-envelope in a country diminished to 100 dollars.

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In January 2015 a city Mariupol was attacked a hostile artillery. My house was blasted. I and my wife did not suffer (during bombardment we were hidden at the neighbor's basement). We no longer had a home and we have migrated to the city of Sumy. Away from the war. With itself we took a money, notebook and a bit clothes. All other things burned out together with a house (all furniture, domestic technique, clothes and our little pussy-cat Musya).

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In a quiet situation we took off an apartment and I got a job at a local store. But I understood after a while, that a money is not enough to live a full life. I went to work in Poland. I heavily worked on a meat-packing plant. I sent all the money to my wife.

Through half-year I got arthritis of fingers of both hands and came home with sick hands. I can no longer work. My wife works in a public institution, but the money is not enough even to rent an apartment. This hour we live on credit. Our friends help us a bit. But I see that they also hardly provide itself. I am in despair. And I do not know what to do now.

My wife and I dream to have a child. But for this purpose we must have stable basis. The most important thing it is an own little house away from battle actions. Herein I want to ask for a help. For realization of dream we need 12 300 dollars. Having these money I will be able to purchase a small house in the village and cure my hands. I will grow potatoes and other vegetables. And we can finally to have a child. We just want an ordinary human happiness...

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I want to say that we need help only from not poor people. Everyone who has a small income does not have to sacrifice for us.

Thanks to all who help to realize our dream!
Wishing you peace!

If you have any questions, please write to me:
Skype: Ruslan_Moshow88

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