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Reginas Get Well Campaign

A campaign by Regina Ginger

  • $4,542
    Raised of $4,500
  • 43
  • 0
    seconds left
100 %
Successfully funded on September 13, 2014
A campaign by Regina Ginger
0 campaigns, 0 contributions
Reginas Get Well Campaign

On August 30th, 2013 I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). {} is a very aggressive form of breast cancer and is very difficult to treat due to the fact that most chemotherapies target only one of the three receptors. Unlike 'regular' breast cancer, chemotherapy starts before surgery to shrink the tumor. I was prescribed eight chemotherapy treatments and after the fifth one, my doctor ordered the treatments to stop because I was severely burned on my eyes, throat, hands and feet. I lost my nails, was degloved and ended up in a wheelchair.

Once I begun to heal, I received a double mastectomy on 12/16/2013 and have been trying to recover ever since. While I have been cancer-free for over 3 months now, I suffer from neuropathy and can't hold anything in my hands. Recently, I suffered a major setback and can't even feed myself and have to rely on my 17 year old son to feed me. I can't walk easily and suffer from extreme pain every day of my life. What I want more than anything in the world is to get well and get back to work. Everyone knows me as an upbeat person with positive attitude and in high spirits. I want to be myself again. I haven't been able to work and need a hand with money to cover my medicine and treat post cancer symptoms and complications. All I want is to is get my life back.
The good news is that the doctor said that my neuropathy will get better as the nerves have an ability to regenerate. My dream is that with appropriate therapy and medication, I can walk again within one year.

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