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They Hunger Again - a classic zombie-horror

A campaign by Roman

  • $3
    Raised of $1,500
  • 2
  • 0
    seconds left
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This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Roman
0 campaigns, 0 contributions

Hi, friend!

My name is Roman, I'm a team leader of They Hunger Again project.

They Hunger Again is a classic first-person shooter about zombies. It is also a remake of a game from the end of 90-th. We already released a free demo, so you can download and play it from our community website.

Next plans - is to make a free full game on modern Unreal Engine 4 with participation of gamers community, so it will be kinda community-developed game. How? Simple - we will make game part-by-part, release it and ask people to vote and suggest changes. If most people accept it - we continue next.

It will be like an open club not only for people who likes They Hunger, but for everyone who loves shooters and zombies. Anyone can join, vote and suggest changes.

How many funds do we need

I'm asking $1500, that will be spent for development of the game's first part:

  • Simple 3d models and textures.
  • Complex 3d models, weapons, characters, animations and work of 3d-artist, who bring these things together.
  • FX-sounds and music.
  • Work of AI-programmer, game logic programmer.
  • Work of game levels maker.
  • Rent of computer hardware.
  • Unreal Engine 4 license fee.

What is already done without funds

I am and few other gamers already released a free demo of They Hunger Again. All previous development were paid by me, but now more money is required to make more complex game.

Check out campaign video to see how the game looks like now!

A few words from team leader

I love old-school shooters and play them from childhood. There is certain pleasure in simple running, shooting with other gamers on Internet, or special pleasure in slow walking around the locations in singleplayer. When I first played They Hunger in the beginning of 00-th, I immediately fell in love with it. Then, when I grew up, I decided to remake this game on modern engine, for me and other players being able to again feel that mix of fun and horror during runaway and shooting zombies - this is how They Hunger Again was born. I can't say that this remake was super-successful. People blame it for small size, hard gameplay and other problems, but many gamers finds it cool and worthy continuation. So I decided to enter in the close contact with community and make a game that everyone will like. This will be not just a fun-club, but a people who influence the development process with their votes and suggestions.

If you are interested - feel free to join. Support, if you want to make it happen!

Thank you.

You can find all additional information at They Hunger Again gamers community. Also, feel free to write me a message - I'm open for conversations.

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