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A campaign by word reference

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A campaign by word reference
0 campaigns, 0 contributions

Despite these minor usability issues, WordReference Translator is still a handy companion for those of us who are frequent dictionary users.
WordReference Translator allows to access to the translation of the selected word through 4 different ways:
* If you select it with double click, it will appear a link over it.
* And even if you don't select it with double click:
** Pressing the key "D"
** With the option "Translate" in the context menu
** With the option "Translate" in the "Tools" menu

A new tab with the translated word or expression at WordReference will appear. Once read, you can close it by pressing Ctrl+W.

Available translation languages are all from as of October 24th 2009.
* With English: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Czech, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic.
* With Spanish, moreover: French, Portuguese.

english to spanish

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