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Watch Party


Watch Party
Signed up December 12, 2022

How did the Netflix Party work?
To begin a new Netflix Party session after adding the extension to your web browser (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge), follow the instructions below:-

Find a film or online series that interests you and watch it there.
You will see that the browser extension has changed from grey to crimson when the programme begins.
"Start a Netflix Party" can be selected by clicking the extension.
As the session's host, you will have the option of giving everyone in your session authority over the session's playback or pause, or you may choose to control it yourself.
To share the URL with the individuals you wish to view the show with, copy it from the pop-up window.
On the right side of the stream, the chat room for the session will appear, allowing you to see who joined.
Now take pleasure in this time with your loved ones.


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