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Go Girl Go

A campaign by Bhavna Bhatia

  • $6,707
    Raised of $50,000
  • 63
  • 0
    seconds left
13 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Bhavna Bhatia
1 campaigns, 1 contributions
  • Contribute $10 or more

    Limited to 100 Contributors
    When you donate $10 to Go Girl Go, you will get unlimited bragging rights for donating to a great cause!
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $25 or more

    Limited to 100 Contributors
    When you donate $25 to Go Girl Go, you get a custom Girls Health Ed T-shirt to show you're part of the team!
    4 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $50 or more

    Limited to 100 Contributors
    When you donate $50 to Go Girl Go, you get a one-year subscription to a health-related magazine.
    1 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $100 or more

    Limited to 50 Contributors
    When you donate $100 to Go Girl Go, you get an Olive Oil Body Scrub session at Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa.
    8 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $250 or more

    Limited to 50 Contributors
    When you donate $250 to Go Girl Go, you get a set of healthy eating cookbooks.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $500 or more

    Limited to 15 Contributors
    When you donate $500 to Go Girl Go, you get a course on healthy cooking.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1,000 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors
    When you donate $1000 to Go Girl Go, you get 5 sessions at a local fitness center.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $5,000 or more

    Limited to 5 Contributors
    When you donate $5,000 to Go Girl Go, you get 2 general admission tickets to the 2015 Healthy Living Expo in Los Angeles.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.

There are no pledges yet.

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