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Boelens Transportation

A campaign by Tracey Riley

  • $380
    Raised of $2,500
  • 16
  • 0
    seconds left
15 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Tracey Riley
1 campaigns, 2 contributions

Update: We will donate 5% of all donations to Agape and 5% to Dream Center. Thanks. Tracey

(We are the Boelens Family!) My name is Tracey and I am 46 years of age and taking public transportation daily to accomplish my goals and I am finding it to be extremely tiring and inconvenient (at times) due to the amount of travel time necessary to get to my regular appointments. I am a mother of 3 children (ages 10, 9, and 7) who is married to a wonderful man who does his utmost to provide for us. Unfortunately my husband lost his $17 per hour job last March and as a result we lost our place of residence, in addition to the company car that we used as transportation (after our 20 year old Buick finally pooped out on us for good.) Currently we are in a transitional living environment at The Dream Center, which requires us to meet several mandatory commitments to continue in the program, and as a result puts a bit of additional stress on us with no vehicle. We have found that as our responsibilities and goals increase and gain momentum, the need for reliable efficient transportation is becoming increasingly essential for our families longevity. As we attempt to build a small business (Incensed) which consists of selling, incense, sage, soap, and things of that nature...we would like to cart our wares to various farmers markets, venues, etc. but are having difficulty doing so on the bus. Thankfully my husband has been gainfully employed for the last 3 months although his pay is less than half of what he was making ($8 per hour) so making car payments or transitioning into a place of our own (momentarily) is still a dream of ours that has yet to unfold. I am currently working part time (temporarily through April) as a personal assistant and spend 3 hours a day commuting round trip to work. In addition to my travel time, my husband spends 4 hours (round trip) per day traveling via public transportation which turns an 8 hour work day into an exhausting 12 hour day.  Because we are gratefully employed and dedicated to our family's well being we continue to fervently search for additional employment while attending counseling appointments, self help classes, soccer and football practice weekly, site based council meetings at our children's school, spiritual fellowship gatherings, and occasional auditions for our children's potential entertainment opportunities.  There is no doubt a car is on our wish list and would make job interviewing, laundry, errands, grocery shopping, play dates, auditions, dentist and doctor appointments and life in general much easier and more efficient!  We are confident that there are people out there who will identify with our situation and see the need and feel compelled to fill it. 

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