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A campaign by Monique Moon

  • $0
    Raised of $3,300
  • 0
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This campaign will keep all money contributed.
Closed for contributions
A campaign by Monique Moon
1 campaigns, 0 contributions

The purpose of my calling is of a sensitive nature. I have no photos or videos to add. I can tell you of the many timesI have encountered families on the side of the street with carwash signs and phrases of "anything will help." It is my desire to aid these families. 100% of these families have lost their loved ones to sudden death. Unexpected tragedy that holds them accountable to resolve the life of their loved one. Please help me to make this burden lighter for those in need. I am purchasing the first niche to be donated to a family I have yet to meet. One niche will not be enough because I have seen so many families in need. Consider growing this fund with me. Help me bring a family to a funeral home from off the street. Thank you for your contribution.

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