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Campaign Manager

A campaign by Fund Dreamer Orders

  • $0
    Raised of $0
  • 0
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Fund Dreamer Orders
6 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Contribute $499 or more

    Limited to 100000 Contributors

    Our campaign managers will provide you with all the services and assistance that our crowdfunding coaches offer – but without any hourly constraint. The manager will be available to help and guide you throughout the duration of your campaign. The manager will constantly monitor your campaign and make real time recommendations to you in order to ensure that you are always on top of your game.

    Service duration: 30 days or the completion of your campaign. (Whichever comes first)

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
Campaign Manager

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