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Donate to Our Mental Health Publishing Company

A campaign by Sarah Fader

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Stories of resilience matter.

We live in a world of unrelenting sorrow, hardship, and tough times. We can easily forget the truth that the darkness doesn’t have the final say. This is why stories of hope, resilience, and strength matter. These stories remind us that we aren’t alone, that there is hope in the world, and that sorrow doesn’t win.

Eliezer Tristan Publishing specializes in these kinds of words. Stories of resilience, overcoming hardship and hurt, bringing the dark secrets into the light and stripping them of power. These stories are our heartbeat, our blood, our life. We believe in stories like this. The publishing company is just a baby, but already we have books in the world that matter, that brings hope, that are resilient. 

We need your help though.

Since we are just starting, we don’t have a lot of resources to chase our dreams. This is where you come in. See, you can believe in stories of resilience too. You can help us chase these dreams. Right now, we are trying to raise $5000 for our dreams, one of which being a launch party where some of our authors can share their words and we can really exhibit the dreams of Eliezer Tristan publishing. Any donations you make will go first towards this dream, and then towards the needs of the publishing house.

We believe that we’re not the only ones who share these stories, so we have partnered with the 501c3 organizations Stigma Fighters. They have graciously offered to send Stigma Fighters Anthology vol 1 to anyone who donates $100 or more. Their stories have taken on mental health stigma head on and literally have changed the world for some people.

All in all, we are looking for partners, people to come alongside us and face stigma, sorrow, hurt, and heartache, boldly saying life is better than the pain. 

Please donate and support our dreams to help people share their stories of survival. Together we can bring hope and resilience to the world.

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