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Help a girl buy a cloth pad

A campaign by Institute of Sustainable Development INDIA

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A campaign by Institute of Sustainable Development INDIA
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
Help a girl buy a cloth pad

The Sustainable Learning Centres are a programme of Institute of Sustainable Development India where we work with the children in the 11-13 years of age and facilitate an all-round development for them to enhance the local community's sustainable human capital. More details about us are available at our website

We have nearly 100 children from poor rural families under this programme and of whom 50 are girls. Puberty, menstruation and related issues are discussed with these young adolescents during the course of time at the Centre. As the current practice in the locality, once they attain puberty they will be using the disposable pads. Use of the disposable pads has its economic, health and environmental cost. In order to reduce the economic, health and environmental impact of using the disposable pads, we propose to introduce cloth pads. To begin with, the girls will be provided with one set of cloth pads, preferably a full-cycle-kit, that is readily available online One set of the pad costs INR 1665 and we need to buy for 50 girls.  Further, a local team will be trained in the production of the cloth pads.

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