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Quanda Bryant

A campaign by Quanda Bryant

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    Raised of $5,000
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  • Contribute $10 or more

    “Precious Stones”
    Receive an email thank you for your support

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $50 or more

    “You’re a Real Gem”

    Receive an email thank you and link to a video of a coach from our “3 Min Pearls”segment, offering 3 min of expert advice.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $100 or more

    “Cultured Pearls”

    Receive an email thank you, a video link of a coach from our “3 Min Pearls” segment offering 3 minutes of expert advice, and recognition in our event program.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $250 or more

    “Rare Diamonds “

    Receive an email thank you, a video link of a coach from our “3 Min Pearls” segment offering 3 minutes of expert advice, recognition in our event program, and invite to the “We Are Diamonds & Pearls” tea party.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
Quanda Bryant

Diamonds & Pearls Events, LLC is a new company geared towards organizing events throughout the year in order to encourage, inform, and empower women to live out their dreams.  We provide informative speakers on women’s health and wellness, women in business, as well as certified life coaches. What began as a small gathering in my home of a few close friends for a spa party and a simple desire to see them refreshed and rejuvenated, has since become a women’s event pl

Our first annual “We Are Diamonds & Pearls Tea Party and Fundraiser” is scheduled for August 18th at the Westminster Hotel in Livingston, N.J. This event will help raise awareness of those in need and support 501 C3 women’s charities such as Oasis, A Haven for Women and Children, located in Paterson, N.J. Their organization not only provides shelter for homeless women and their children, but educates them in preparation for employment.  By lending your support, you will help create a successful experience, offset costs, and increase the donation amount to the Oasis charity.    Here is the link to a video providing more information about the charity.

We appreciate you and looking forward to partnering with you for the “We Are Diamonds & Pearls Tea Party and Fundraiser. 


Quanda Bryant 


Diamonds & Pearls Events, LLC 

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