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Svetlana gathers to study at the Academy

A campaign by Света Прйа мSpravkaиходько

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A campaign by Света Прйа мSpravkaиходько
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Друзья, вперёд!!!!

    Campaign votes limited to 120 Contributors

    Education is the only and reliable chance to become a person and an object of imitation for your children. For a woman, this is independence and the most decent way to support yourself and your family. Thanks to everyone who is supporting me on my way to study at the magistracy!

    120 user(s) pledged already.
Svetlana gathers to study at the Academy
Thank you all for your attention. I live in the Republic of Belarus. I am 35 years old, married, raising a daughter. I have an education, but I have no opportunities, not even a job offer. I decided to enter the Academy of Management with a degree in Public Administration and Law in the magistracy. I believe that this is a new education, which should be an educated and highly qualified specialist.

At the moment I am on maternity leave. My daughter is constantly sick, we were in the hospital. It was a constant due to the illness of my daughter. I did not apply for an adjacent specialty, and I had to pass two exams. I passed them by 8 out of 10 points.
What was my disappointment that I did not pass for free education, but only for a fee. I am enrolled, we must begin to train, and the funds are completely lacking. I ask you to help me in the fulfillment of my dreams. After all, for a woman the most important thing is education. Only with education can you find a good job and raise your child adequately. Thanks to everyone who responded.
Спасибо всем за внимание. 
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