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Flood Relief to Andhra Pradesh State, India.

A campaign by KISES

  • $0
    Raised of $48,246
  • 0
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by KISES
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Potato for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Tamarind for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Onion for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Chili Powder for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Drinking Water for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $2 or more

    Dhal for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $2 or more

    Cooking Oil for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $3 or more

    Bed-Sheets for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $3 or more

    Mosquito Nets for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $6 or more

    Blankets for one person. Each one is 6.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $11 or more

    Livestock feeding for one week.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $15 or more

    Rice for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $15 or more

    Cooking Vessels for one person. One set.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
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  • อนุรักษ์ เกิดสี December 8, 2023

    the customer will be followed by the customer. As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of the lion. 918kiss The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer.As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of the lion.The customer is very important,

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