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Flood Relief to Andhra Pradesh State, India.

A campaign by KISES

  • $0
    Raised of $48,246
  • 0
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by KISES
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Potato for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Tamarind for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Onion for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Chili Powder for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1 or more

    Drinking Water for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $2 or more

    Dhal for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $2 or more

    Cooking Oil for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $3 or more

    Bed-Sheets for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $3 or more

    Mosquito Nets for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $6 or more

    Blankets for one person. Each one is 6.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $11 or more

    Livestock feeding for one week.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $15 or more

    Rice for one person.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $15 or more

    Cooking Vessels for one person. One set.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.

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