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Lets Give smile to a Child

A campaign by Swarup Bedbak

  • $0
    Raised of $20,000
  • 0
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Swarup Bedbak
0 campaigns, 0 contributions
Lets Give smile to a Child

  • Swarup Bedbak October 5, 2016

    We ask if you can help us keep up the momentum by inviting everyone in your life to be part of the campaign and consider donating$10, $25, $100 , $550 or more to Us until we reach our goal. TOGETHER we can do this. TOGETHER we can make a difference. Thank you so much.

  • Swarup Bedbak October 5, 2016

    We ask if you can help us keep up the momentum by inviting everyone in your life to be part of the campaign and consider donating$10, $25, $100 , $550 or more to Us until we reach our goal. TOGETHER we can do this. TOGETHER we can make a difference. Thank you so much.

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